
Technology Reviews

Our lead technology experts have over 20 years in the wind and solar technology fields and are up-to-date with the latest technology advancements and trends.  On-shore Wind Technology Off-shore Wind

Energy Resource Assessments

Our technical experts and partners specialize in the review and preparation of energy-yield assessments of Wind Farms and Solar PV Plants Wind Resource Assessments Solar Resource Assessments Verification of modelling

Site Layout Assessments

Our process combines detailed desk study and on-site review to ensure accuracy and completeness of the assessment.    Physical Constraints, and Obstacles Wind Speed, shear, turbulence, WTG spacing reviews Solar

Permitting Process Analysis

Our expert team can guide you through the complicated permitting risk assessment process, ensuring no step is missed and all terms and constraints are understood. Full scope consenting analysis for

Grid Connection Analysis

Our team of grid connection experts have extensive experience in working with and for grid utilities and an in-depth understanding of the permitting and connection process, requirements, and risks. Technical

Land Lease Review

One of the highest risks associated with a planned development is the obtainment of the required land parcels and the subsequent coordination of the access required to undertake the Works.

Logistics Review

LOGISTICS & TRANSPORT Our technical experts have led OEM teams in developing Site Access Plans, and analysing WTG delivery routes, both on Land and offshore to de-risk and optimise the

Contract Analysis

Our background in project management and contract administration has driven our ‘lessons learned’ approach to contract documentation, with a focus on increasing deliverable quality, reducing risk, and closing interface gaps.

Cost Analysis

Our local market knowledge, value engineering principles, and strong commercial experience are trusted to perform robust analysis on all CapEx and OpEx reviews and formulation. Assess financial model/business case assumptions


Dedicated report writers ensure the technical details are translated into a coherent document for easy interpretation, enhancing decision making for the investor.  Interim Memos/Reports Final TDD Report Supporting Reports: Inventory