Wind Project Feasibility Studies
- Climatic Data Collation and Analysis
- Concept BOP Design, Transport Logistics, Off-Site Works
- Physical and Zoning Constraints Analysis (GIS)
- Environmental Assessments
- Grid Connection Concept and Optioneering
- Ground Conditions & site constraints evaluations
- Technology Options Analysis
- WTG Layout & Positioning Review/Micrositing
- Electrical Losses Calculation
- Preliminary AEP, uncertainties calculations
- Preliminary CAPEX / OPEX Formulation
Forte Value: Our expert engineering team have the full-cycle knowledge of .wind projects to undertake feasibility assessments of greenfield sites to identify if developers proposals are technically feasible, can work within identified constraints and are financially viable.
Solar Project Feasibility Studies
- As for wind feasibility plus
- Definition of GCR and DC/AC ratio
- Preliminary PV Plant Design, including Clusters (ITS),
- Preliminary Cabling, Substation and Transmission Line
Forte Value: Our expert engineering team have the full-cycle knowledge of .wind projects to undertake feasibility assessments of greenfield sites to identify if developers proposals are technically feasible, can work within identified constraints and are financially viable.
Track Record
Wind Farm Name | Client's Name | MW | WTGs | OEM | WF Phase | Service Type | Country | Continent | SC Year | COD Year |
Khavda | Adani | 250 | 125 | GE | A | OE | IND | ASIA | 2018 | 2021 |
Stigshojden | WDFM | 24 | 8 | VAR | A | OE | SWE | EUROPE | 2015 | TBC |
Kingebol | WDFM | 12 | 4 | VAR | A | OE | SWE | EUROPE | 2015 | TBC |
Tagerod | WDFM | 18 | 6 | VAR | A | OE | SWE | EUROPE | 2015 | TBC |
Ostra Frolunda | WDFM | 24 | 8 | VAR | A | OE | SWE | EUROPE | 2015 | TBC |
Case Studies
Sulmierzyce WF (OE-A)- Poland

Location | Sulmierzyce, Poland | |
Developer | OX2 Construction AB | |
Technology | 7 x Vestas 126, 3,3 MW, TH 200 m | |
Rated Power | 20 MW | |
Status | Under construction – COD Q4 2022 |
- Review of Building Permits, Environmental Decisions
- Preliminary design of all roads, foundations, MV cabling, HV substation
- Development of +/-15% cost estimate for all works
- Value Engineering meetings with clients
- Sensitivity analysis of project costs
- Support with Auction application submittal

Zary WF (OE-B)- Poland

Location | Lubanice Drozkow | |
Developer | OX2 Construction AB | |
Technology | 7 x Nordex N117 TS120 | |
Capacity / COD | 21 MW, 2021 | |
Role | FID Achieved Q1 2020 – COD due Q3 2021 |
- Leading technical/support commercial negotiations for BOP Contracts
- Support for TSA and GCA contracts negotiations
- Support in with finetuning financial models inputs
- Support Client in complying with all local statutory requirements e.g. Permits, Licenses, HSSE
- Technical lead for Lenders Technical Due Diligence responses
- Finance Close support

Krasin WF (OE-C)- Poland

Location | Elbląg district, South East Poland | |
Investor | EDP Renewables | |
Technology | Vestas – 10 * V126-3.45 MW HH 117m – 35 MW | |
Contractors | Onde & Electrum (BOP), Energa (Grid) | |
SOC /COD | August 2020 – September 2021 | |
Role/Personnel | OE – Construction Supervision | |
Site Man-Months | 8 site staff /100 man-months |
Construction Preparation:
Submissions Review – Designs, Quality Plans, Materials
Construction Supervision:
- Coordination/ Quality/ Time/Cost/Stakeholder management
- Contract administration support
- BOP, WTG and H&S Supervision
Handover Management
Punchlists/ Permit of Use/ Grid Licensing Coordination

Alto Sertão WF (OE-D) – Brazil

Location | Guanambí, Bahía, Brazil | |
Owner | Brookfield Brazil | |
Technology | 184 x GE 1.6 MW | |
Rated Power | 254 MW | |
Role | Technical Due Diligence |
Foundation Design Review, Construction Data Review |
Data Mining, Analysis, Selection of foundations for on-site inspections |
Inspection of substation, transformers and ducts |
Foundations Rebar Scanning Test, Rebound Hammer, UPT Test and Carbonation Test |
Review of Roads and Platforms conditions and identify improvements |
Reporting Desk Study findings, Site inspection checks, evaluation matrix |